Artificial intelligence is a technology that already influences how the Internet communicates with users and is affected by them. Likely, its effect will only continue to expand shortly. AI can vastly change the way people communicate, not just with the digital world, but also with each other, for better or for worse, through work. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving technology, made possible by the Internet, and having a huge effect on our daily lives in the immediate future. Traditionally, AI referred to an artificial creation of human-like intelligence that can understand, reason, plan, interpret, or process natural language. These characteristics allow AI to deliver enormous socio-economic opportunities, while also presenting ethical and socio-economic challenges. The Internet Society recognizes the opportunities and drawbacks associated with AI in creating an ecosphere that people can trust. Since machine learning is used more commonly in services, there are some important considerations when it comes to the trust of users on the Internet. In addressing AI, many issues must be considered, including socio-economic impacts; openness, bias, and accountability issues; new data uses, security and safety considerations, ethical issues; and how AI promotes the development of new ecosystems. >> Artificial Intelligence Voice Assistant | Artificial Intelligence Bot Читати...
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